If you’d like to have a chat about any of the adventures email info@motorcyclesherpa.com hit us up on the site chat (we respond fairly quickly during business hours) or you can even call our the toll-free number!
Bear and the Motorcycle Sherpa team 800.847.0995 We are here to help!
Kamran Dargahi, November 2024
For those who truly love to ride and want something more than just a tour, the "Ride to the Heavens" is as good as it gets. I have ridden all over the world, yet never on a trip this varied. The food, culture, and terrain that I covered with Bear, the sherpa guides, and a dozen other new found friends that accompanied us was truely epic. A lot of pleasant surprises and experiences that are not on the "Sherpa" daily planner. I'm not gonna give them away though. You have to experience it for yourself. Make it happen! Invest in yourself.
Scott Nill, November 2024
Thanks for making this trip an easy experience for us - all we had to do was listen to your guidance and stay on two wheels!
I can imagine it takes tons of time and effort planning these trips are, and I know it’s years of cumulative recon and relationship building in addition to the planning.
So, thank you Bear, for making your life’s passion our enjoyed and privileged experience.
See you next time!
Billy Lines, November 2024
An experience of a lifetime. Bear and his team have gone above and beyond to facilitate an adventure that will not disappoint. Their knowledge and guidance will navigate you through the most fulfilling trip you can imagine. Memories and friendships for life. Thanks Bear!
Robert Lehman, November 2024
Best trip on my life! Bear has created a route that is full of adventure and new experiences. He won’t put you in situations you aren’t ready for and his communication is on point. If you love to ride and explore a different culture this is a can’t miss trip. You will leave feeling accomplished and most importantly with a brotherhood of new friends.
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